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Showing posts with the label coronavirus

7 things to make your lockdown productive

Everyone is dealing with the global pandemic. The world is taking a break from the usual routine. Here is a list of 7 productive things that you can do during this lockdown.  1. READ BOOKS Reading not only help our mental health to work better , it also help our sharpen view on various things. The book lovers can access e-book from scribd which is offering free services for next 30 days. 2. BUILD YOUR PROFILE   This is the best time for a student to build their profile. There are various online courses available. For online courses and certification, you can access it by clicking here  or in the link provided - 3. NEW HOBBY Hobbies  help you to become a well-rounded person. During this period, you can make new hobbies like writing, blogging, baking,playing the stock market, coding, some instrument  etc. 4. Build contact  You can utilize this time by building online contacts, conne